Why is it important that my kids visit the dentist?
We use our teeth every day of our lives, and our children are born with all the teeth they’ll ever have, ready and waiting below the gums. If we don’t take care of our teeth and help our children do the same, the resulting gaps and discoloured teeth can cause a whole host of health problems and self-confidence issues throughout life. That’s why, when it comes to your child’s dental health, it’s so important to start early.
When should I start bringing my children to the dentist?
It’s not just about starting a regular oral care routine; a big part of coming to the dentist when your child is still very young is about showing them that there’s nothing to fear. When your child knows the people and is familiar with the chair and with the instruments we use, should they ever need non-routine treatment, they’ll already have a positive relationship with their dentist and with KIDS.
Why should I choose KIDS?
We are not like any other dentist you may have visited before! Here at KIDS, we believe that visiting the dentist should be fun, but we know that not everybody sees it that way initially! Our team work hard to build up a rapport with all our younger clients and we have created an environment that is welcoming, fun and friendly. Murals on the walls, coloured chairs, television and games in the waiting areas and animals everywhere (not to mention our therapy dog Dexter the Cavoodle, who just loves a cuddle!) are just some of the ways we make visiting KIDS fun.
What are my options for keeping my family’s oral health in great shape?
KIDS recommend an exam and clean every six months, where your dentist will gently carry out a thorough examination, including checks on:
· Gum health
· Head and neck
· Any erupting or loose teeth
· Bite alignment
· Saliva assessment (too much? not enough? unusual colour?)
· Jaw movement analysis
Most family health insurance plans include two examinations and professional cleans each year, so by bringing your child for an exam and clean every six months, not only will you be keeping your child’s teeth and gums in great shape, but you’ll be getting the most out of your cover too!
Your child’s first exam and clean at KIDS costs just $95 and you can book online or call (07) 3186 8753.
The friendly, professional team at KIDS are always happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss treatment options tailored exactly to the needs of your family.
And if you want to see more about our unique approach to children’s dentistry, why not check out our short YouTube videos?
Would you like more information on KIDS dental care? Please complete this form and one of our friendly team will get in touch with you.