Our Services

KIDS has specially created a range of services that suit the needs of you and your family in a kid-friendly centre that your KIDS are sure to love!

We work with a range of specialists in their health field to provide you with the options and choice for your KIDS health that meet your needs. Our dental services range from orthodontics to cosmetic dentistry and a wide variety of other dental treatments.

The core services currently include:

– Lip and Tongue Tie Release where care by Dr Hany and our Lactation Consultant delivers you the choices and care you are looking for.

– Myobrace Straight Teeth the natural way that addresses a range of oral issues related to teeth formation, snoring, mouth-breathing and clenching.

– KIDS Care Dentistry for KIDS who need some extra special care.

Providing more than dental care, our Mackay location currently offers services that involve a Speech Therapist, Nutritionist and Lactation Consultant, also offering a great range of Children’s Dentistry services thought out to provide your kids with the dental health they deserve. With this trained group of Health Professionals, we are able to take a holistic approach to your KIDS health in both the short and long term.

Your KIDS MacKay Dental Clinic

KIDS has been created with care by the DentalCareXtra team to offer the best children dentist and health services Mackay has to offer and provide you with the care and quality you and your family deserve. From Lip and Tongue Tie release, Certified Provider for Myobrace – Straight Teeth the Natural way, to special care Kids Dentistry.

More than dentists in Mackay, we gathered at our clinic the most skilled professionals of oral health and function – such as podiatrists and chiropractors.

KIDS has been created to meet the needs of the entire family – as we believe in healthy kids should be nurtured by nature.

Take a look around KIDS with Brit and Amy.