Child Dental Benefits Schedule – how does my family benefit?
Under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, every eligible member of your family under the age of 17 receives a government contribution towards dental care. Eligibility is determined by whether the child is covered by Medicare, or if the family is in receipt of certain government payments. A rolling two-year funding period applies, and therefore it can, on occasion, be helpful to consider the timing of your child’s dental treatment.
What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a fund provided by the Australian government in order to guarantee access to basic dental services for children aged between 2 and 17 years.
Funding for dental services is capped at $1,000 over two consecutive calendar years, starting with the first eligible dental service. The CDBS doesn’t cover orthodontic, cosmetic dental work, or dental services provided in hospital, but it does cover:
- Examinations
- X-rays
- Cleaning
- Fissure sealing
- Fillings
- Root canals
- Extractions
- Partial dentures
How do I keep track of my child’s CDBS fund?
Firstly, not all dentists, hygienists or orthodontists choose to participate in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule programme, so it’s always worth checking before authorising treatment for your child.
Your child’s $1,000 benefit runs over two consecutive calendar years. Before starting treatment, our dentists will explain all likely costs and get your consent in writing. If any additional work is identified following the initial examination, the costs will also be discussed and your consent obtained. In this way, you can decide how quickly to use your $1,000 allocation; using it all at once if you need to, or spreading it out over two years.
If you’re not sure how much of your allocation you have left, your dentist can check for you at any time.
What are my options for keeping my family’s teeth healthy?
When it comes to oral health, the most important thing you can do for your growing children is to establish a regular and comprehensive cleaning routine. Brushing and flossing twice daily and visiting us at KIDS for a check-up every six months is a good place to start. The cost of your child’s examinations and cleaning is covered for those eligible for the CDBS, and if the two-year allowance is not used, it cannot be transferred to other family members or rolled into the next period. It really is a case of use it or lose it – so why not book the family in for an exam and clean today?

Would you like more information on KIDS dental care? Please complete this form and one of our friendly team will get in touch with you.