
Dental Health Week 2018 – Watch Your Mouth

Dental Health Week, which takes place this year from 6 to 12 August, is the Australian Dental Association‘s (ADA) major annual oral health promotion event. Its aim is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health by promoting these key messages:

• Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
• Clean in between teeth at least once a day with floss or an interdental brush
• Eat a healthy balanced diet and limit sugar intake
• Regularly visit the dentist for check-ups and preventive treatment

This year, these important messages will be reinforced with a little cheeky humour via the tagline “Watch Your Mouth”.

Tempting though it is to think everyone is watching their mouth and practising good oral health, the reality is that many Australians are not fully heeding these messages.

  • 65% of Australians haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years
  • 50% of Australians brushing their teeth only once-a-day
  • Nearly 40% never flossing or cleaning between their teeth
  • 73% of young people (14-18 years) are consuming too much sugar

All of which means that getting the message out there about good oral health is more important than ever!

This whole week we will be posting facts and advice about brushing, diet, flossing and the importance of good oral health, so stay tuned! Since the best oral care education occurs face to face, why not book your child in to see us for an exam and clean?

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